Online Business Ideas in Pakistan without Investment

How many times have you witnessed a rapid surge in your sales during a specific period? Such blissful times are a part of the peak seasons where your sales amplify rapidly. 

While gearing up for peak season sends chills down the seller's spine, it is the most profitable time of the year. No seller wants to miss out on this golden opportunity to accelerate sales and generate revenue.

With a multitude of competition surrounding your business, how can you make the most out of peak seasons? 

By deploying peak sales strategies for companies, you can maximize your sales during peak seasons.

As per the U.S. Census Bureau, the holiday season accounts for 19.2% of the sales annually. Today businesses have a defining moment in the form of peak seasons and only effective peak sales strategies for companies can act as their salvation. 

Let’s shed some light on a quick guide to designing peak sales strategies for companies to boost their revenue and scale business growth.


Start your very own online reselling business with Markaz App.

All About Peak Seasons

All About Peak Seasons

What are Peak Seasons?

While businesses generate revenue daily, there are some blissful times in the calendar during which the retailers can deliver the maximum output and skyrocket sales. 

Such seasons when sellers witness a mind-blowing increase in their sales as a result of cultural festivities or industry-wide promotional offers come under the definition of peak seasons

Although a peak season brings a whole lot of benefits to the seller’s table, it is a distressful time as every seller is on the lookout for capturing the maximum market share during peak seasons. 

Identifying the Peak Season

On a global level, businesses can never pin down a uniform peak season. As we witness cultural and climatic variations throughout the world, peak seasons evolve globally too. To generalize for the sellers, we conclude that any period that signals festivities, cultural events, weather changes, and holidays should be considered peak seasons. Every region has its peak seasons during which sales accelerate and the resellers should devise a peak season selling strategy for their specific areas to maximize their profits.

Can you pinpoint the events that resulted in the highest number of sales last year? As an experienced reseller, you must be familiar with the cultural events that boost sales in your area. Identify your peak sales season and direct all your efforts in the right direction to maximize revenue and broaden your customer base.

Types of Peak Seasons

  1. School reopening season is a peak season for retailers owning stationery and uniform stores. Book shops also witness a massive inflow of profits during such seasons.
  2. Cultural and religious festivities such as Christmas, Eid, and Thanksgiving are peak seasons for clothing and jewelry businesses.
  3. Sports businesses witness a boost in sales after huge sports events.
  4. Fortunately, businesses can launch their peak seasons when they implement promotional offers and discounts on an industry-wide level. Black Friday is an example of peak season.

Resell with the Markaz App During Peak Season

No matter which industry you belong to, you are bound to witness a retail rush during peak seasons. At the Markaz App, we offer a wide range of products to our resellers to enable them to maximize their revenue and minimize stress levels. 

Product Range

  1. Clothing lines
  2. Cosmetics
  3. Jewelry
  4. Gadgets
  5. Electronics
  6. Home Decor
  7. Islamic Accessories

Want to know more about how the Markaz App works?

As a reseller, follow the below-mentioned guidelines to start selling today.

  1. Download the Markaz App.
  2. Sign up for a reseller account.
  3. View product catalog.
  4. Share selected products along with product descriptions and prices within your network via WhatsApp.
  5. Set a profit above the wholesale price and deliver the product.

Are you wondering how to sell in peak seasons without compromising on your services? By signing up as a reseller, you get access to a variety of products and a supplier network. We offer high-quality products that will maximize your sales during peak season. 

Unlike other selling platforms that require you to purchase products in bulk from websites such as Alibaba and sell it through their platforms, the Markaz App is a social commerce marketplace that removes this bottleneck. 

Resellers can conveniently select products from our catalog and deliver them to the customers at PKR 90 all across Pakistan. As an online marketplace, your biggest concern is customers’ mistrust of online services. A negative experience with one online business lowers customers’ trust in online selling platforms. We offer quality-related refunds and returns so that your potential customers do not fear placing an online order.

With zero initial investment, you can start your online selling business from the comfort of your home. Today, thousands of resellers are making up to PKR 25000 through our platform. We manage your business operations as you continue to deliver remarkable products and outstanding customer service through the Markaz App.

Best Peak Sales Strategies for Companies

Are you looking for a quick guide on peak season selling strategy? Here’s a sneak peek into tried and tested peak sales strategies for companies. 

What successful sales strategy ultimately boils down to is how well you manage the peak of your sales cycle. Whether it's for recurring revenue, or a one-off deal — a lot of things can go wrong if you aren't prepared.

1. Maintain Consistent Pricing

One of the best ways to maximize sales during peak seasons is to maintain consistent prices. If you raise the price of your goods or services during peak season, customers will be less likely to buy from you. In fact, they may not buy from you at all.

However, if you maintain your regular pricing structure, customers will have no reason to shop elsewhere because they know what they're getting and how much it costs.

In addition, keeping prices consistent also gives you a competitive advantage over other companies that try to hike up their rates during peak season. This is especially true if your competitors are charging more but offering less in terms of quality or service.

With the Markaz App’s exciting features, resellers can set a mark up above the wholesale price and share it with their customers through a purchase link. As there is no cap on the markup, buyers can close profitable deals but make sure to follow market competitive prices and maintain consistency.

2. Offer Special Seasonal Deals or Promotions

Another way to maximize sales during peak seasons is by offering special deals or promotions on certain items at certain times of the year.

A great example of this would be discounts on holiday gifts or merchandise that's in high demand during Eid, and Christmas time — such as electronics and toys — but not so much at other times throughout the year when these items may not be as popular among shoppers looking for holiday gifts for loved ones or family members.

As Markaz Resellers, you can opt to offer special deals to your customers, and drive your sales through the roof. 

3. Enhance Customer Experience

With 49% of the buyers making impulse buying decisions after a positive customer experience, one cannot deny its importance.

During peak seasons, many companies will increase their customer service team to accommodate the influx of customers. However, this is not always enough. If customers have a good experience, they will likely come back during other times of the year as well. Therefore, it is important for companies to enhance their customer experience.

The best way to boost sales is by making sure your customers have a positive experience with your company. This includes giving them as much information as you can about their order,  providing faster shipping times, including shipping details and expected arrival time if applicable. If you're able to provide an accurate estimate of delivery time, you'll be less likely to lose customers who have been inconvenienced by late shipments or broken promises. This will help encourage customers to come back again and again.

Moreover, human interaction can never be completely replaced by automation. Peak seasons call for tailored customer experience which is impossible through automated responses. 

At the Markaz App, we enable our resellers to get in touch with customers through social media platforms and offer a bespoke customer experience to build trust and maximize sales during peak season.

4. Offer Quick Delivery Services

The holiday season is a time for celebration and fun with family and friends. It's also a time when many people are buying presents for others — which means that they need them quickly.

One way to capitalize on this opportunity is by offering quick delivery services. Providing your customers with faster shipping options will help you move more products, especially if you're selling items like clothing or accessories that come in different sizes or colors.

This is especially important for online retailers who may have a lot of last-minute shoppers looking for gifts.

Markaz’ comprehensive doorstep delivery service speeds up your delivery procedure by delivering products across 1200+ cities in Pakistan through our reliable logistic partners, Leopards, Trax, and MNP. At PKR 90, your customers receive their products promptly with 100% profits transferred to your account within 48-72 hours.

5. Maximize Social Media Marketing

Social media advertising gives you access to millions of potential customers and it's relatively easy to set up an account with Facebook or Twitter. 

However, many companies fail to take advantage of this opportunity because they're not sure how to go about using it.

 You need a plan before you start using social media advertising as well as a strategy for using it effectively.

You should create specific ads that target specific demographics so that they'll actually find them useful and click on them rather than just scrolling past them without even noticing them. 

This means creating ads that appeal specifically to the people who might buy your products or services during peak seasons so that they will be more inclined to click on them when they see them online.
Here’s how to go about it:

  • Create attractive advertisements that highlight your products and services, so that your potential customers are enticed to make a purchase from you. You can use images, videos and other multimedia resources in order to make your ads more effective. 
  • Make sure that these advertisements are posted on all of your social media channels, including Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest.
  • One of the best ways to reach customers is through social media advertising. You can target keywords, demographics and locations on Facebook, Twitter and Google Ads. These ads can be very effective at reaching people who are interested in buying from you during peak season.
  • Sell products that are related to the theme of the season in order to attract more customers and increase sales during this time period. For example if it is winter then try selling candles and other items that are commonly used during this time of year.

The Markaz App enables resellers to leverage their social media network to sell their products within their social circles initially. Market and share your selected products with your customers via Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp and increase your sales seamlessly.

6. Never Run Out of Stock

Remember the time you added your favorite product to your shopping cart and got an out-of-stock notification. 

Save your customers from such heartbreaks and maintain optimal inventory levels to cater to peak seasons. 

Here are our three secret tips:

  • Stock up on inventory before the peak season begins.
  • Anticipate the needs of your customers during peak seasons. For example, if it is a wedding season and you know that most brides will be looking for specific types of dresses, make sure you have enough stock in those styles.
  • Make sure employees are trained to handle a high volume of customers. This includes answering questions and providing assistance without making customers wait too long

Gone are the days when inventory maintenance was a hassle. Through the Markaz App, resellers can directly choose the products from our social commerce platform and sell them immediately.


Start your very own online reselling business with Markaz App.


Although it may seem daunting, maximizing sales during peak seasons is definitely doable with the right approach. By utilizing some or all of the five strategies we’ve outlined, you can set your company up for success and start ringing in those extra profits. 

Ready to get started? Check out our app, Markaz, which will help you manage your inventory and sales so that you can focus on what really matters – making money! 

Today hundreds of resellers are earning up to PKR 45000 from the comfort of their homes and you can be one of them by signing up for our platform. Download the Markaz App today and start selling.

Thanks for reading and happy selling!