Online Business Ideas in Pakistan without Investment

If you're a student, you know that earning money is hard. You have to juggle classes, homework, and social life. It can be tough to find time for everything, let alone time to earn money. Don't worry – there are plenty of ways to make extra cash as a student. But do you have access to any business opportunity to make some quick money as a student? Let’s find out.

Are you a student looking for a great way to make money? Look no further than the Markaz app. With its easy-to-use interface and wide range of opportunities, the Markaz app offers students a unique business opportunity to start or grow their businesses. This blog post will share six reasons why the Markaz app is a great business opportunity for students.


Start your very own online reselling business with Markaz App.

Job Opportunities for Students

Job Opportunities for Students

As a student, you may feel like you're at a disadvantage when it comes to finding the right business opportunity. After all, you don't have the same resources or experience as someone who's already in the business world. 

However, there are actually plenty of business opportunities available to students. Here are a few places to start your search:

  1. Online Businesses 

With the power of the internet, you can reach a global audience with your business. You can sell products or services online, or even start an online course teaching others what you know. All that you need is a computer and an internet connection and you’’ gain access to plenty of online selling opportunities.

  1. Local Businesses

There are plenty of businesses in your local community that need help from students. You can offer your time and skills to help promote their business or even run errands for them. This is a great way to get experience in the business world and earn some extra money.

  1. Campus Businesses

Many campuses have their own businesses that are run by students. This could be anything from a campus store to a coffee shop. These businesses are always looking for enthusiastic students to help them out. This is a great way to get involved with your campus community and learn more about business.

If you're a student, there's no excuse not to be looking for a business opportunity. There are plenty of options out there, you just have to know where to look. So get started today and see what you can find!

The Growing Popularity of Online Selling Platforms

Pakistan is a country with a population of over 200 million people. With a rapidly growing economy and a young population, Pakistan is an attractive market for online businesses. One of the most popular online businesses in Pakistan is online selling platforms.

Students are especially well-suited to take advantage of online selling platforms. In addition to earning some extra cash, students can also gain valuable experience in entrepreneurship and marketing. 

Online selling opportunities provide students with an excellent way to start their own businesses and learn about the ins and outs of running an online business. With the right approach, students can use online selling platforms to generate significant income while studying.

Six Ways the Markaz App is the Right Business Opportunity for Students

Six Ways the Markaz App is the Right Business Opportunity for Students

How do I start earning online? As a student, this question often crosses your mind and ends up leaving you in a puzzled state. With the Markaz App, you don’t have to worry about earning some extra money from the comfort of your home. This section will share six reasons why Markaz App should be your go-to reselling platform.

What is the Markaz App?

In today's digital age, social media has become an important tool for businesses of all sizes. For small businesses and startups, social media can be a great way to reach new customers and build brand awareness. However, social media can also be used to earn passive income. 

Markaz App is a social commerce platform in Pakistan that enables resellers to sell products. The app is popular among students who use it to earn extra money. Markaz App is a great way to earn a passive income because it is easy to use and there are no transaction fees. 

Six Reasons That Make the Markaz App an Ideal Business Opportunity

The Markaz App is quickly becoming one of the most popular business opportunities available today. Here are six reasons why the Markaz App provides the best way to make money selling online for students.

  1. Zero Initial Investment

In a country where the cost of living is rising and the economy is unstable, it's more important than ever to make wise decisions with your money. With the Markaz App, there's zero initial investment required from the reseller's side. 

The no initial investment requirement makes it an ideal platform for students who are looking to make some extra money but fail due to the lack of financial capital. As a student, you can start selling products from a variety of categories with no upfront costs. 

  1. Convenient Reselling

When you first start reselling, it can be difficult to find customers as a student. You may not have an existing customer base, and you may not know where to look for potential buyers. The Markaz App can help you overcome this challenge by enabling you to resell within your existing social networks. Resellers can leverage WhatsApp, Instagram, and Facebook to start selling online. 

Because you're selling to people who already know and trust you, your business can grow from day 1. With the Markaz App, you can reach a larger audience of potential customers, and you can build a reputation as a trusted reseller. At the Markaz App, you can start growing your business today!

  1. Reliable Suppliers

As a student, reselling is a great way to earn some extra money. However, finding reliable suppliers can be a challenge. Often, students have to turn to family and friends to find products to resell. This can be time-consuming and frustrating. 

At the Markaz App, we have a list of reliable suppliers on board. This means that resellers can focus on selling the products and don't have to worry about supply chain management. In addition, the Markaz App offers a wide range of suppliers, so resellers can get the best possible deals on the products they sell. 

  1. Complete Inventory Management

The Markaz App offers complete inventory management for resellers, so they don't have to worry about managing inventory on their own. With our platform, resellers can simply choose the products they want to sell and begin reselling immediately. This makes it easy for resellers to get started and start earning money right away. 

In addition, our inventory management system is designed to save resellers time and money. We offer a wide range of 10,000+ products, so resellers can find the perfect products to sell. And we provide support and resources to help resellers grow their businesses. 

So, if you're looking for an easy way to get started in reselling, the Markaz App is the best way to make money selling online.

  1. No Cap on the Markup

As a student, you always look for ways to earn a little extra pocket money. What if we told you that you could earn as much profit as you want with the Markaz reselling platform? That's right - there's no cap on the markup price, so you can set your own prices and make as much profit as you like. 

Just remember to set prices realistically, taking into account the cost of the item and any shipping fees. With Markaz, it's easy to start making money - so why not give it a try today?

  1. Markaz Academy

As a student, starting an online business can be a daunting task, especially if you're not sure where to start. That's where the Markaz App comes in. With the Markaz Academy, you can learn all the tips and tricks you need to run a successful online business. 

From choosing the right products to pricing your items competitively, the Markaz Academy will give you the skills you need to succeed. And best of all, the Academy is absolutely free. 

So, if you're looking to start your own online business on the Markaz app, be sure to check out the Markaz Academy. it could just be the boost you need to get started.

Are you wondering “how do I start selling online with Markaz?”. Here’s how it works.

  1. Download the Markaz App and sign up as a reseller
  2. View the catalogue
  3. Create a purchase link for the product consisting of the wholesale price+markup
  4. Share the desired products within your social networks along with the purchase link
  5. Place your order through the Markaz App
  6. Enjoy reselling!


Start your very own online reselling business with Markaz App.

Final Thoughts

Final Thoughts

Markaz is changing the way students in Pakistan make money. With the Markaz app, you can start making money as a student with ease. All you have to do is download the app and start reselling through our platform today. 

So what are you waiting for? Download the Markaz App now and start making up to PKR 45000 from the comfort of your home.